2017-01-22 - RCT with RR


~6.6 miles @ ~11.4 min/mi

"No politics!" Irina is Ukrainian, Maria is Russian, and no matter: we're all American runners here, chasing the fast folks along Rock Creek Trail at the back of the MCRRC Sunday Long Run pack. After half a mile I reverse course to meet up with Rebecca. We proceed northward. "I'm not obsessive," I say, after insisting on touching the wooden bridge before turning back. "OK, maybe a little!"

Rebecca describes a lovely "Baldo" comic strip in today's paper, a parable of people helping people and teaching their children to do the same. We laugh at "Brewster Rockit" and the new stress-relief comfort pets in the space station. Talk turns to tattoos and a funny story about a mistake (thankfully temporary). Cute dogs cavort, which brings to mind a way Rebecca learned to separate them if fun turns to fight: lift the hind legs of one and pull it back like a wheelbarrow. Good idea!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-02-23